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“Ak Yaprak” Economic Society!

“Ak Yaprak” ES is a private enterprise producing natural flavored juices. We are pleased to offer you a wide range of high-quality natural “7 Gün” juices and “Içäý” cold teas with convenient prices. In addition, our company is the only dealer of “Lactalis” dairy products and “President” butter in Turkmenistan.



Orange juice is considered as the most healthiest among citrus products. It is enriched with vitamin C and potassium, and it has a distinctive taste. It increases appetite and strengthens the immune system.


Apple juice eliminates the acidity of the pancreas in people, and especially in children, and contains a huge amount of vitamins such as A, B and C. Apple contains biotin, iron minerals, magnesium, phosphorus, pantothenic and folic acid. The rich vitamins of apple juice helps to strengthen hair and nails, which is especially useful for women.


Cherry juice with an inherent nourish flavor and cherry flavor strengthens the immune system especially in the cool weather of the season. In addition, the juice contains powerful antioxidants. The predominance of iron and folic acid in cherries have a beneficial effect on anemia.


Blackcurrant strengthens the immune system, relieves headaches in cold, increases appetite, improves metabolism. Regulates blood circulation in the vessels, normalizes the liver and blood pressure. The juice is enriched with calcium, iron, phosphorus, as well as vitamins C, P, B.


Peach juice, which is enriched with vitamins A, C and B, protects the body from harmful environmental substances. The benefit of peach juice for people is that it helps to fight against viruses and germs. It is especially important for people with low immunity who often get cold.


Tomato juice has a low acidity and pH 5.5–6.5, which creates favorable conditions for the development of a number of microorganisms, including spore-forming ones. In this regard, tomato juice is subjected to sterilization at a temperature of 120 ° C for 20-30 minutes.


Multifruit-tropic juice is endowed with an extremely pleasant taste, and it is safe to say that it is also beneficial for health. The excellent taste characteristics of the drink are due to the properties of tropical fruits, which are known for the presence of a large amount of minerals and vitamins that are undoubtedly beneficial for the body. Therefore, today the name multifruit juice is equivalent to the phrase benefit and excellent taste.

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